
Public Hearing for 30-Year Tax Break for New Bellaire Apartments — 15 Comments

  1. Better yet, eliminate property taxes for EVERYONE. That would make everyone’s housing far more affordable.

  2. It is ridiculous to give these people a tax break on the backs of everyone else. He has a terrible history. He is not going to save the town.

  3. Really? 30 freakin years? You old farts have no right making decisions that will outlive you.

    • By “old farts” I assume you’re talking about the Antrim County Board of Commissioner’s. They might well be “old farts” but they are elected by everyone that votes! Including all the “young farts,” or at least the ones that vote.

      As for the question at hand, RE: tax break for this new housing. I say “no thanks,” based on the unfairness to local builders, their poor reputation, and the fact that it’s just too much of a break for too many years. $7.8 million in lost tax revenue over the next 30 years is a lot of change. Also I question why we want to “grow Bellaire?” The charm and beauty of Bellaire is that it’s a small piece of Americana, when that’s gone what is it going to be?

  4. Coppess is not your town’s Savior. Have officials bothered to talk to anyone who has been involved in Grand Rapids? He definitely has not rebuilt the trust that he lost. That’s why he left town. His dishonesty and greed ruined many people.

    • No one has taken the time to research anything. They are all too busy celebrating the second coming.

  5. We do need housing. But how are other landlords able to make it work without forgiving taxes? We have lots of vacant homes everywhere. Let’s fix up those.

  6. This housing will end up going to people who have good jobs in other towns. Just like the rentals in Mancelona do.

    Also, what happens when someone gets a raise and now earns too much to live there? Will this housing be a deterrent to achievement?

  7. This plan is not family friendly. It is geared towards single people. Why would anyone want to rent a 2 bedroom. It usually isn’t twice as much as a one bedroom. How many single people are looking to live in Bellaire? It isn’t even an easy commute to any of the bigger towns.

  8. Tax increment financing (TIF) is a powerful funding tool that can help cover the additional costs associated with redeveloping a brownfield property. When a brownfield redevelopment generates new tax revenue, those new taxes can be captured by a local brownfield redevelopment authority (BRA) and given back to the developer to reimburse them for the eligible costs associated with redeveloping the property.

    Brownfield TIF is authorized under the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, PA 381 of 1996 (Act 381). It can help:

    Revitalize abandoned properties and return them to tax rolls
    Attract developers to brownfields, creating jobs and investment, and increasing nearby property values
    Provide a source of repayment for EGLE Brownfield Redevelopment Loans
    Reduce sprawl by reusing properties with existing infrastructure

    The premise of brownfield TIF is simple:
    When a vacant, blighted, contaminated, or otherwise challenged property is redeveloped it becomes more valuable.
    The increase in value results in an increase in property taxes paid to the municipality, school district or other taxing authorities for that property.
    The additional tax paid due to the increased property value is referred to as the increment.
    The increment is “captured” by the taxing authority and used to reimburse the developer for the cost of addressing brownfield conditions on the property during construction.
    The brownfield activities eligible for reimbursement are defined in the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act (Act 381). They require local and sometimes state approval.
    Once the developer has been reimbursed for the approved eligible brownfield activities on a project the taxing authority begins retaining all taxes collected for the property, fully realizing the increase in tax revenue from the development.

    • These “private public partnerships” used to be Republican pet projects. Now corporate welfare has also become Michigan Democrats’ top priority.

      Here’s the bottom-line FACT that no one can deny: When corporations get special handouts from the government, it costs the rest of us. We have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes. In turn, there’s less money for good schools and roads, police, fire, and ambulance, and everything else we need.

      So the next time you hear conservatives railing against welfare handouts for the poor, remind them that we should really be cutting corporate welfare—unnecessary and unwarranted aid for dependent corporations.

    • But there is no blight on this property. The property requires no extra work or care. Everything you cut and pasted refers to the original Brownfield program as it was designed to clean up properties.

      I have no idea why they call this housing law a brownforld oportunity. It is very confusing and misleading to people. Just like you posting this is confusing and misleading. Seems you are trying to get us to believe this guy is cleaning up pollution. Not so.

  9. These people can use all the fancy terms they want but we can see through it. This is basically a payoff to an out of town developer who says he can’t make a profit without leeching off the townspeople. This benefits no one but him.

  10. So, will all these units comply with our Governor’s 2040 Clean Energy Plan???? Or, will we foot the bill twice to get them in compliance later? Won’t that be great? This seems like a bad deal for taxpayers in Antrim.

  11. My wife and I just finished up 6 duplexes (12 units) in mancelona in which we pay approximately $27,000 a year in taxes, that’s a huge chunk of the rental income, we kept to our word in keeping our rent at a normal base ($850-$1100),and yes they are 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom, so no, we aren’t making a dime at this point, but we did it anyway, why should these other developers get that massive of a tax break when we got $0, If that’s the case, we would like the same tax break. I’m sure Jason Green and anchor management would love a massive tax break also, what’s fair is fair